This week President Obama released his birth certificate to the public, with the hope that it would placate the crazy Tea Party/Donald Trump’s of the world. Considering he already had to prove that he was born in the USA to run for office, it was a move that should have been unnecessary in the first […]

CLICK HERE TO BE FRIENDS WITH FIRST LADY ON FACEBOOK OR CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW HER ON TWITTER   I can’t express enough how VERY IMPORTANT it is for our economic community to have a comprehensive understanding of what is going on in the country we live in. How the government is run and the […]


BE FRIENDS WITH FIRST LADY ON FACEBOOK OR FOLLOW HER ON TWITTER Fox has rejected a controversial Super Bowl ad from conservative comedy site, according to the site’s creator. Richard Belfry insists the proposed 30-second-ad, which depicts bobble-head versions of President Obama and a scowling Jesus, is just a joke. “Do I really believe […]

Who’s side are you on? KRS asks this question. He also analyzes why We have an African American President NOW when it seems like the country was at the point of a revolution and collectively at its lowest point ever! I found this real insightful and it reminded me that although Obama is talking change…he […]

Washington — Juan Williams hit out at Sarah Palin on “Fox News Sunday,” saying she could not match President Obama intellectually.

Amid the next crop of recipients to be awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama — a list that includes African-American luminaries such as Maya Angelou and Bill Russell — is a rather curious entry: George H.W. Bush, the 41st President of the United States and the father of the man that President […]

Nobody protests louder than the hypocrite. Second however, in vocal decibel level, has to be the man that’s been lied on. Only short of having someone tell an inconvenient truth, the most enraging thing in the world is having someone tell outright, blatant lies, especially when they know the truth and are telling those lies […]

President Obama said Wednesday that Congress should reauthorize extended unemployment insurance for the long-term jobless.

BE FRIENDS WITH FIRST LADY ON FACEBOOK OR FOLLOW HER ON TWITTER according to eurweb First Lady Michelle Obama and Roland Martin talk during Let’s Move shoot Something that may be especially suitable for the non-socialites, spending this Friday at home,  might not be so bad. On Friday, TV One will air its premiere of […]

President Barack Obama hits the airwaves for an Interview with The TJMS, tomoorow morning at 8:00 am ET<!--more-->

The billboard has been taken down, but not without the threat of violence. <!--more-->