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One Mompreneur’s Story Startup Sunday Mompreneurs have it made: they have a career, a family and they manage to keep everything perfectly in sync. Well, not really. Olympic gold medalist Gigi Fernandez knows how it difficult it is. Since the age of three, Fernandez yearned to play the sport she loved most, tennis. Even though […]


Parenting During Stressful Times Mental Health America released a wonderful article on parenting in a tough economic climate, when adult stress and anxiety may be much higher than usual. Parents’ worries may be compounded when there is job loss, a loss of income, increased financial pressures, or even uncertainty in the workplace. This anxiety often […]

Kids have a really great way of making things simple. Here’s some funny examples of letters written by kids that should put a smile on your face. Source: Buzzfeed

I feel like in the past five years or so, there’s been a resurgence in children having technological devices. We’ve become a more tech savvy…

A couple weeks ago I was bitten by a bug so bad that it almost had me in tears. And no, this wasn’t a mosquito or black fly, I had on my bug spray, but the bite still managed to penetrate deep. I’m talking about the baby bug. I found myself surrounded by a multitude […]

CLICK HERE TO BE FRIENDS WITH FIRST LADY ON FACEBOOK OR CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW HER ON TWITTER This officer is just an…. I’ll let you fill in the blank after you watch the video. This is just sad, If he ever goes camping he better watch his back. HERE ARE A FEW MORE STORIES […]

The curly wig called "ghetto fab" was part of Kohl's seasonal costume offerings.

Detroit Wayne County prosecutor Kym Worthy threatens To jail parents who are not active in their kids education

Billboard Broadcast That A African American Woman's Womb Is A Dangerous Place For A Child

This is a plea to parents, teachers and any other adult who plays a role in a child’s life. In the past several weeks, there have various cases of young kids and teens committing suicide due to the constant bullying that they are experiencing at school

We all know that fast food is not healthy. McDonald's food does not mold. Why do we feed it to our kids?