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L (Look For Inspiration)

This step is actually easy due to social media. There are a lot of us who eat, drink and sleep fitness (ahem), so why not piggyback on our sweaty coattails already. Keeping your eyes, mind and time fixed on people and things that are aligned with your goal is one sure way to stay accountable and on track. Not into pumping your thumbs on a handheld device all day? Take your Fitspiration live then. Find a friend who is down for the cause and elect her as your, “I need your help sis” partner. When two or more gather together…results are in the midst. Real talk!

T (Take It One Goal At A Time)

Another reason people end up ditching their new year’s resolution come February, is because they took on too much too soon. If you have a laundry list of resolutions, cut that sucker down into many small goals instead. Then commit to tackling only one at a time. You want your focus to be sharp sis, not scattered. Another option is making one goal a ton of mini goals. Instead of saying, “I will run a half marathon before the end of the year,” sign up for a 5K in the spring, then a 10K in the summer etc. Taking baby steps is a more realistic approach, so this year dive in and backstroke so you don’t end up doggy paddling come swimsuit season.

S (Show Off Your Success) 

I love a good show off! Truly. Self-indulgent behavior is welcomed when it comes to your success, if you ask me sis. You worked hard, so now celebrate hard. Do this and do this often. For example, if you decide to have “Meat-Free Monda’s” twice a month, and you really had a veggie burger instead of a double cheeseburger for three months straight, then go ahead and buy those new pots and pans. Making your rewards specific to your goal will make you want to push harder, go stronger and win! I’m telling you: it’s the several victories in battle that will help you win the war.

Happy New Year, New You!

Robbie Ann Darby (RAD Experience) is a professional FitGirl, Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer in NYC. Follow her sweaty life on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more fun health and fitness tips!

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Resolutions Renewed: How To Set & Achieve Your Fitness Goals In 2014  was originally published on

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