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Has “I want to get in shape,” or “I want to lose weight,” been your New Year’s resolution for the last (fill in the blank) years? Well let’s make 2014 the last year you utter these words and empty promises hunty. Get results and resolve to have a different resolution come 2015 with these “R-E-S-U-L-T” oriented tips.

R (Redesign Your Purpose) 

January will be solid, February will be okay, and come March, the gym will be wondering if you relocated. Sad but true; I see this same scenario happen time and time again every new year. Don’t want to be that FitGirl in 2014?

Well here’s the secret: start with a solid purpose. The “why” has to be huge so that when the excuses and tough days start to roll in, you are ready to fight for your plan. For example, “I want to have more energy to keep up with my kids,” is stronger than “I want to make all the other moms jealous at PTA meetings.” Make getting healthy about you and how it will affect the people and things closest to you and Miss Results will be your new bestie.

E (Elevate Your Thoughts)

Ditch the self trash talk once and for all. The second reason people don’t succeed in reaching their fitness goals is they don’t believe in themselves. My number one motto is, “The body follows the mind.” Getting fit is hard enough (in the beginning) as it is, so the last thing you need to do is be your own worst critic. Surround yourself with positive self talk and unlock the power of positivity in your new fit/healthy life. It’s magical what happens when you clean up your thoughts…trust me.

Resolutions Renewed: How To Set & Achieve Your Fitness Goals In 2014  was originally published on

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