Prosecutors charged a Chicago-area personal trainer for transmitting the HIV virus to three women. The man allegedly knew for 15 years that he is HIV positive but did not warn the women.

A high school heavy on abstinence is currently facing a chlamydia outbreak, the Huffington Post reports. Crane Independent School District located in Crane, Texas has seen 20…

Men in general aren’t exactly well known for always taking great care of themselves. But, when you think about it, every man owes it to…

Think you have an STD? There’s an app for that!!! A new test will soon enable STDs to be diagnosed via your mobile phone or computer, a move that health experts hope will slow the rising rate of infection among young people. According to bettyconfidential, mobile phones and computers will soon be able to diagnose […]


This is just so sad and really bizarre. <!--more-->

This is just crazy... reports say the senior community is getting buck wild... <!--more-->