
Reverend Al Sharpton chimed in with what seemed like a statement to defend the controversy surrounding Paula Deen. As we all know, Deen is currently…


MSNBC’s PoliticsNation host Reverend Al Sharpton said that critics shouldn’t judge Paula Deen by her use of the word “ni**er” decades ago, reports TMZ.com. “A…


Rev. Al Sharpton talks with the crew about the rising unemployment problem in the black community.


Reverend Al Sharpton joined the Tom Joyner Morning Show this morning to announce the collaboration of two significant leaders in the black community to commemorate…


Take a listen to find out why Reverend Al Sharpton thinks the GOP is trying to take down Attorney General Eric Holder.


Rev. Al Sharpton talks with the crew about the need to continue the fight in this generation, saying, “the struggle is not over, the dream…


Rev. Al Sharpton reflects on the controversy surrounding the devastating tornado in Oklahoma and asks people to think about the victims.


Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the IRS harassment of Tea Party and political groups.


Rev. Al Sharpton thinks it is time for hip-hop artists to step-up and take responsibility for positively representing black history and culture.


Rev. Al Sharpton talks with the crew about the Kendrick Johnson case in Valdosta, Ga., the latest in the George Zimmerman case and explains how…


Wednesday marks the opening day for the 15th Annual National Action Network Convention, a gathering of civil rights, religious, and LGBT rights leaders headed by…

If a new poll commissioned by BET founder and business magnate Robert Johnson is any indication, the myth of a monolithic Black America has been…