TJMS Contributor Mellody Hobson called in to the TJMS to discuss a topic we often don’t think about: the psychology of finances. Often times fear will stop us from purchasing things or even investing– both of which could lead to a better financial situation and future. But remember, scared money don’t make money. Mellody writes: […]

You know those commercials you see that say they help you “get of debt the quick and easy way?” Debt consolidation companies can paint a very rosy picture for people who are struggling to get out of debt. And between credit cards, medical bills, and household expenses, that applies to a lot of Americans. We […]

Financial expert and Good Morning America contributor Mellody Hobson called in to the TJMS today to provide tax tips for those who are unemployed. Continue reading for her suggestions… What tax tips do you have for the unemployed? The current unemployment rate is 8.3%. So first, remember that you’re not alone. And when tax time comes around, […]

I want to teach my three girls - ages five, eight and 15 - how to be fiscally responsible. Do you have any suggestions? Carmen, New York, NY