Anderson Cooper indulged in an epic rant against Star Jones, of all people, on his daytime show while co-hosting with Andy Cohen of Bravo. Asked by Cohen to reflect on his coming out in July, Cooper gave a normal response first before launching into his takedown of Jones. It seems Jones accused Cooper of coming […]

During her promo rounds for “Tamar & Vince,” Tamar  Braxton had an appearance as a guest host on “Anderson Live.” Being one who wears wigs herself,  she commented on Nicki Minaj’s neon pink and yellow hair doo (or if you ask Tamar, hair don’t) for Nicki’s debut as an “American Idol” judge. “Put that back in […]

Anderson Cooper has revealed … he’s gay and he’s proud. Cooper made the announcement in a letter to Andrew Sullivan, who was doing a story for about the social impact of famous people who come out as gay. Sullivan reached out to Cooper for his thoughts, to which Anderson replied with a letter. “There continue to be far […]

Anderson Cooper called out President Obama on his Tuesday show for flip-flopping his stance on same-sex marriage. During his “Keeping Them Honest” segment, Cooper said “New questions are being raised about what the president actually believes about gay marriage and whether his public opposition to it is real or just political posturing.” He then narrated […]

The Former VP of the United States may be in a little hot water with the latest news developing. Video inside.