Stacey Dash broke the ice as one of the first celebrities to go public and endorse candidate Mitt Romney for President. Now Lindsay Lohan joins Dash and others like Hulk Hogan in saying Romney has her vote, too… At least for now. At a promotional event she said the deal breaker was unemployment. I just […]

Michelle Obama is not a technically elected part of Obama Administration, but just as the First Ladies before her, she has her role to play. The First Lady’s job is of course to support her husband, as Mrs. Obama memorably did in her now famous Democratic National Convention speech last month. But it’s also a […]

*Reacting to Mitt Romney’s most recent indiscretion, President Barack Obama said Tuesday that Americans are not “victims” and that voters want to make sure that their president is “not writing off big chunks of the country.” The president’s comment was in response to a secretly taped and newly released video showing the Republican presidential nominee […]

Just hours after Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s campaign attempted an image reboot on Monday, it found itself under attack over a clandestinely recorded video of the candidate describing nearly half the electorate as “dependent on government” because they don’t pay federal income taxes, remarks first reported by The Huffington Post and Mother Jones. President Barack Obama’s campaign […]