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1. The childhood crush: Recess spent hugging and hand-holding inevitably ended in heartbreak or humiliation when she bashfully rebuffed your French kiss advances and/or moved to an obscure state in a different time zone.

2. The celeb crush: Maybe their faces didn’t cover our lunch boxes and notebooks like they did for so many girls, but guys’ famous fantasies were just as intense. They started young (Cameron Diaz in The Mask) and went through phases (Carmen Electra), as some changed with every SI Swimsuit Edition (Marisa Miller) or Bond movie (Halle Berry), while others remained timeless. Salma Hayek will always be plastered on my proverbial locker.

3. The work crush: You never wanted to admit your thing for your coworker until that happy hour where after, like, a drink and a half, it becomes ragingly apparent. You don’t know what it is about that pantsuit, but someone better call HR: Things are about to get seriously unprofessional.

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Types of Crushes Every Guy Will Have  was originally published on