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It’s okay to be particular about the kind of man you seek, but could your nitpicking be blocking true love? Find out now!

Cross Them Off the List

You’ve heard of the “list” or may even have one outlining the things you expect from a potential mate. Read 10 of the most common deal breakers and remove from their lists altogether.

Discolored Teeth

Some say teeth are a reflection of how men live their lives. Not at all! We all consume lots of staining foods and drinks. Whitening teeth is easily done but not always highest priority. Drop this from your list, please.

He’s Shorter Than 6-Feet Tall

Unless you want to eliminate 86% of all men, this is a deal breaker you must drop from your list. So what if you’re shorter than him in heels.  If being shorter than your guy is so important, drop the height on the heel!

He Has Bad Acne

Acne is a problem just about everyone faces. Bottom line is acne skin is not reflective of anything substantial enough to dismiss someone over. Take this one off your list.

Bad Breath

Most foul odor inside the mouth comes from not flossing. According to WebMD, two third of Americans (both men and women) don’t floss daily. Let’s face it, bad breath isn’t appealing, but it’s fixable. Buy him some floss, mouthwash and mints and take it off your list.

He Has Long Dirty Fingernails

Unless he cuts you when shaking your hand, this is an issue that can be managed. Many men don’t even see this as a problem and view this as more of a trivial feature of grooming and didn’t realize how much this weighed on their outward projection, not just in dating but also in other daily interactions. You’ll find this is an easy fix and well worth it if he’s otherwise the right guy for you.

He Makes Less than Six Figures

Making more than $100K has become one of the most sought after, yet meaningless “success” targets of dating. Your guy may be ambitious and passionate about his work, but perhaps he’s a schoolteacher or a mechanic who may never reach an annual six-figure salary throughout his career. What really matters is how well he manages and saves his money. Think about it. Please take the six-figure hurdle off your list.

He Can’t Dress

His fashion sense has zero reflection on the quality of person he is. Also, let’s face it, style is completely subjective. If he genuinely cares for you, has aligned values and vision for the future, plus you’re otherwise physically attracted to him, then he’s a keeper. If his fashion choices are still a thorn in your side, go shopping with him and show him what looks good on him. Give him a chance!

Source: Essence