
Want to know how Hillary Clinton will win the Black vote? By learning how to do "The Wobble" of course.


Only on Tom Joyner‘s annual Fantastic Voyage cruise can you wobble with superstars! R&B singer Fantasia was spotted wobbling during the 2015 Fantastic Voyage beach…

Atlanta-based rapper V.I.C. isn’t much of a talker, but boy, can he wobble. The  originator of the smash hit, “Wobble” he’s releasing a second album “Revenge of the Beast” sometime this year. Though the Wobble wasn’t a big hit record hewn it was first released in 2008, when a line dance was created for it […]””;Kyte.Embed.altpath=””;window.kyteplayer=new Kyte.Player(“”,{appKey:”default”,width:416,height:436,p:”s”,s:1412856,tbid:”50″});