Inauguration 2013

I missed the first one.  When Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in as our first African-American president with an agenda that I believed passionately in,…

A photographer who snapped photos of Sasha (pictured left) and Malia Obama (pictured right) during the Obamas’ Hawaii vacation last week has been banned from…

President Barack Obama and his family watch “Parks and Recreation” together as a family. The president talked to TV Guide about his TV favorites — “Homeland,” “The Wire” — and revealed that he and Michelle watch NBC’s “Parks and Recreation” with daughters Malia and Sasha. “When our family gets together to watch TV, we usually watch shows […]

Miley Cyrus may be trying to break away from her Hannah Montana persona, but she still has some fans in the White House. The ladies of The View had a special visit from President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday’s show, and it was the story about their daughters Sasha and Malia’s response to their dad’s […]

There’s a teenager growing up in the White House as Malia Obama turned 14 yesterday.  As she celebrated her birthday on the same day as the nation, we cant believe how quickly she’s growing up!   It can’t be easy growing up with your Father being the POTUS, but Malia is handling it with style […]

June 5- Brian McKnight – 42         Mark Walburg- 40 Kenny G – 55 June 6- Sandra Berhard – 56 Harvey Fierstein- 59 Robert England – (Freddy Kruger)- 64 June 7- Michael Cera -23 Prince- 53 Allen Iverson- 35 Liam Neeson-59 Jenny Jones- 65 June 8- Kayne West – 34 Keenan Ivory Wayans 53 Joan Rivers- […]

Daddy and Daughter time is so important, this is the time that little girls learn what a Great Man Really Is. <!--more-->