02/13/15 – Jacque Reid goes “Inside Her Story” with Zara Green and Alfred Edmond, authors of “The Grown Zone” about love and relationships. Trust us,…

Some of these couples aren’t together anymore, but that doesn’t mean that didn’t once have a loving relationship.  And then there are the stars that have stood the…

Bad news for cheating guys: New findings suggest that males are not hardwired to want to sleep with as many women as possible. A study…

1. How loud you are. 2. How your boobs bounce. 3. Your weird sex face. 4. Pimples 5. How sweaty you get. 6. Your stubble.…

Topping your Valentine’s Day to-do list is likely a menagerie of items you’ll grab at your local drugstore—think cards, chocolates, maybe even a heart-shaped balloon…

Where there is a fine hunk of man like Shawn Bullard and 20+ women all desperately wanting his attention, there’s conflict and lots of it.…

The University of Manchester recently turned its sexual research toward men and women in their 70s and older. Of the 7,000 people who responded to…

1. “I don’t have my library card on me, but can I check you out?” 2. “Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m bad at pickup…

If you aren’t currently in a relationship—and especially if you’ve recently ended one—you might not be looking forward to Valentine’s Day. The lovey-dovey cards, heart-shaped…

We’ve all heard of aphrodisiacs before–it’s anything you can consume that will heighten your sexual desire. For most of us, that something is alcohol. While…

Sweet nothings. He talks about how she’s his dream girl, he’s never met anyone like her, how he wants to take her out on special…

#LoveDilemma 1. Don’t nag 2. Respect their ego 3. Encourage them to take breaks You shouldn’t expect that your partner spends every single evening applying…