From: NBC News Marijuana is legal in 17 states when used as medicine, and now some parents are using it to treat their children. NBC’s Dr. Nancy Snyderman reports on the controversial treatment, which some believe helps alleviate symptoms of autism, cancer, epilepsy and more. Zaki Jackson was 6 months old when doctors diagnosed him […]

There are better meals in school cafeterias this year, thanks to the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, designed to fight child hunger, combat obesity and improve the health and nutrition of the nation’s students. Schools are phasing in new nutrition standards over a three-year period, starting with lunches in this first year and moving […]

Times have changed. Fear keeps kids close to home, and both the hot sun and lure of video games keep them inside. That may mean safety, but it doesn’t mean health. Here’s a guide to keeping your kids healthy and active. Tip No. 1: Limit Screen Time While TV, video games and computers do have their […]