MANAMA, Bahrain — Since the lifting two months ago of a longstanding U.S. ban on gays serving openly in the military, U.S. Marines across the globe have adapted smoothly and embraced the change, says their top officer, Gen. James F. Amos, who previously had argued against repealing the ban during wartime. SEE ALSO: Jennifer Lopez […]

A Christian college in Georgia is asking all employees to sign a pledge declaring their heterosexuality. Also read: New Documentary Takes Closer Look At Fatherlessness In Black America Also read: Packing Playlist: California Shorter University instituted the pledge in late October. If an employee decides not to sign the pledge, they are at risk of […]

Audience members booed  an openly gay soldier when a question he asked was posed to former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum through a video stream during Thursday’s Republican presidential debate. Stephen Hill, a soldier serving in Iraq, spoke on having to lie about who he was in order to serve in the army. Santorum approached the controversial topic, […]

Sport is the American religion — with many rituals and different temples of worship. The gods, heroes and giants wear varying colors and play on opposing teams. Everyone has a preference, and we often choose the sports we love at an early age. The culture surrounding professional athletics in America and abroad has traditionally been […]

Less than a week after New York state legalized same-sex marriage, Rhode Island voted in favor of a bill to permit civil unions between gay and lesbian couples. If signed, the state will become the fifth state in the country to permit civil unions. The measure, which was voted in the senate 21-16, is said […]

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will now ordain non-celibate gays and lesbians following ratification of a constitutional amendment late Tuesday night. The denomination needed 87 votes in order to ratify the constitutional amendment. The 87th vote came from a Minnesota presbytery that voted 205-56. This is a result of the fourth attempt since the late 1990’s to […]

WASHINGTON– Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that the country is evolving on the issue of gay marriage and he thinks it’s inevitable there will be national consensus. He said on ABC’s “Good Morning America” the same thing is happening with the issue of marriage that happened with gays’ service in the military. Changes in […]