04/09/14- Comedian Chris Paul goes there with today’s headlines, including the UConn Women’s Basketball Championship game and the elderly woman who had a visit from a…


04/09/14 – Comedian Corey Holcumb is a gentleman. No, really! Listen inside to hear why he gave a lady friend he was dating at the time…

A father and son showed off their dancing skills together to Pharrell’s hit song “Happy”.  The dance routine got the duo featured on the  jumbotron during a break in the action of last nights NCAA final four championship game.

040814 – Huggy Lowdown is sad. Both Barbara Walters and David Letterman are leaving television. Find out what Barbara has planned now that she’s free…

04/08/14 – Comedian Damon Williams delivers this week’s seriously ignorant news. The stories are even more head-shaking this go round. Check out more inside and…

04/08/14 – Comedian Chris Paul let’s the world know, in song, that “the black coach whooped your behind” in honor of Coach Kevin Ollie and the…

04/04/14 – The Bama of the Week (and maybe even month) goes to…you won’t believe who’s wearing the crown this week. Or maybe you will.


04/04/14 – Comedian Chris Paul gives us the scoop on Chris Brown’s travel arrangements to DC and why his fellow prisoners think Con Air is…


The hilarious comedian Donnell Rawlings stops by the studio to discuss his infamous Ashy Larry character, new projects and where he’ll be performing tonight!

Known for his comedic and acting  chops, Rickey Smiley also gets down in the kitchen too. His only catch, before he cooks for you, you have to…

04/03/14 – Huggy Lowdown is having the same phone issues from yesterday. Anybody want to pitch in and help our resident funny guy get a new…

04/03/14 – Comedian Chris Paul brings the funny as he tackles the latest in seriously crazy news, including Metta World Peace’ new desire to run for President…