Saying sorry isn’t always easy, so here are some tips: 1. The best way to apologize is “quick and intense,” according to Dr. Grenier. The…

1. The childhood crush: Recess spent hugging and hand-holding inevitably ended in heartbreak or humiliation when she bashfully rebuffed your French kiss advances and/or moved…

#WorstWayToDumpSomeone is trending on Twitter today, and I combed through the expected responses (“by text,” “on their birthday,” “during sex,” etc.) to find 11 dumping…

Fact is, those of us who are separated or divorced like to say that things just “weren’t meant to be”, that we were with a…

1. Make the first move. Guys can’t read your mind, and it gets tiring risking rejection. “I love a girl who’ll take charge, knows what…

My new theory: Maybe having wild sex doesn’t require brains at all. There are times when I just wish I was straight-up dumber than a…

There are minor relationship slip-ups, like when your boyfriend accidentally deletes the season premiere of The Real Housewives of New Jersey from your DVR. They…

Don’t Date This Guy: The One Who’s Lazy in Bed He apparently doesn’t know the golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them…

1. Stock your fridge with his favorite beer. Yes, men love beer (duh). But this is about more than his favorite brew. “It tells me…

Rule 1: DO think twice about hooking up with your neighbor. There are, without a doubt, many pros to having a FWB living in close…

What’s the thing you wish your girlfriend/wife/partner would do for you when you’re having a bad day? “To give me suprise impromptu lovin’!” “A tight…

Here are guidelines when it comes to texting. 1. After a date, do not text your feelings about your date. Not even “thank you.” If…