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Don’t hold out hope for a reunion! The sooner you accept that it is over, the faster you can heal. By hoping that your significant other will want you back, you are basically elongating the grief and setting yourself up for more disappointment. Too many times, a person will hold out for a reconciliation, only to find out that their significant other has started dating someone else. This type of situation only causes more pain and grief.

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    Go ahead and get emotional! I said it in some of my other articles and the same thing applies here. It is never good for you to bottle up your emotions. If you are upset, have a good cry. If you are angry about the break up, then show it (don’t let your anger get the best of you though by hurting yourself or others; instead, just scream or punch your pillow). You’d be surprised how much better you can feel by releasing these emotions.

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    Get rid of things that belong to or remind you of your ex! By doing this, you eliminate those things in your life that only make you think about your ex. The more you think about him/her, the more likely you are to think about the break up and dwell on the pain you are feeling.

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    Avoid contact! This basically falls on the same lines as getting rid of things that remind you of your ex. If after you have broken up you constantly call, talk to, or see your ex, it will only serve as a reminder of the failed relationship and cause you undue grief. So, try to have as little contact as possible with your ex. It may serve to help you get over the loss.

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    Make a list of things you didn’t like about your ex! This is a helpful method for folks who are finding it difficult to get over the end of a relationship. Jot down aspects about your ex that you didn’t like; such as habits, physical attributes, or personality features. The idea is to focus on the things you didn’t like and no longer have to deal with in order to better cope with the break up. You may find that you feel a bit relieved that your ex is no longer around.

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    Hang out with and talk to your friends! Your friends can be a wealth of moral support and can help you to take your mind off of the breakup. Have a powwow with some buddies and talk about your relationship woes. Round up some of your friends and go do something fun. You can have dinner, go on a shopping spree, take a weekend road trip, or whatever tickles your fancy.

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    Stay busy! While you should deal with the issue, dwelling on the breakup may only just make you feel worse about the situation. If you find yourself thinking about it, then do something that will focus your mind on something else. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to turn into a workaholic. Simply putting a little extra effort into your work or taking up a new hobby should be enough to suffice.

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    Go on a couple of dates! A common misconception when a person has been dumped is that they feel as though they won’t find someone else, which just isn’t true. Go on some dates. Not only can this prove to you that you can eventually find someone new, but it can also help you get over your ex and boost your ego. However…

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    Don’t jump into another relationship! If you haven’t fully healed from the break up, you may find yourself in an even worse relationship than the last. Rebound relationships hold a higher risk of someone getting hurt. Examples of such would be finding out that you aren’t as interested in the new person while he/she is completely into you or being dumped again because you constantly talk about or compare the new person to your ex because you haven’t fully gotten over it.