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Learn the game!

There is a lot about the game of football that may be confusing to a non-fan, which can add to your disdain for the game. Try to watch a couple of games with your guy and ask questions – not too many, or they get annoyed!!! – just enough to show some interest and pick up some of the lingo and what it all means. He may appreciate your effort.

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    Settle in!

    There is something cozy about football season … the weather starts turning cold, the buzz of sports commentators all day on the television on a Sunday afternoon can almost be soothing if you look at it the right way. Cozy up with your guy on the couch, grab a blanket, and just hang out. You can flip through the Sunday paper, clip coupons, think about your schedule for the upcoming week, and just be together.

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    Practice your entertaining skills!

    If you can’t get into the game, make it work to your advantage. It is fun to try out new party foods, and guys watching football typically love to snack. Plan to cook up a few new party foods during a football game day. You can try out chicken wings, different dips or put up a big pot of chili and have leftovers for the week. This way, you can get into the spirit of the football culture, and sharpen your appetizer skills for your next get together!