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While “I’m in love with the CoCo” may be playing during my workout, it is the baking soda that’s doing the double duty after my workout. I’m all about a homemade remedy beauties so I teamed up with my friends over at Arm & Hammer and am excited to share with you beauties all the fabulous ways I use baking soda in my fun and sweaty life. You probably have a box at the crib, so grab it, read this and let’s get on to some FitGirl DIY fun.

1. Ditch The Deodorant 

Or nah. But let’s say you forget your antiperspirant one day lady – use some good old baking soda instead. After all it’s no secret that deodorizing is baking soda’s ultimate super power. So dust a little under your pits post and pre sweat and watch your accidental mustiness absorb right up.

2. Sneakers On Fleek

Speaking of funk – don’t be that FitGirl that kicks off her Nike’s and everyone clears the room. Sweating and odor often times roll together, but they don’t have to. Add some baking soda to your fitness mix by shaking a little in each shoe between wearings. Then when you’re ready to rock your kicks again, dust the excess baking soda out and roll out.

3. Give Love To Your Gym Bag

And while we’re kicking odor to the curb, be sure to dust some of that white powder in your gym bag too boo. Combine your sweaty clothes with your sweaty shoes day in and day out, and hun the smell can literally knock someone out. So to prevent embarrassing TKO’s post cardio kickboxing sprinkle some baking soda in your gym bag too. Sweaty stuff out, baking soda in.

4. Forever Fancier Fit Gear

Oh and about that sweaty fit gear – make your detergent work as hard as you do in your morning bootcamp by adding one cup of baking soda to your liquid laundry detergent. This will provide a better pH balance to the process and your fancy fit gear will be cleaner, fresher and brighter.

5. A Mani As Strong As Your Muscles

Did you know that you can call on baking soda on the days that you can’t make it to your manicurist? Well you can. Just dip a brush into a bit of baking soda and give your nails and cuticles one RAD scrub. Then make a paste of three parts baking soda and one part water for a gentle exfoliant. Rinse, polish and pow – DIY mani.

6. Easy Peasy Exfoliant 

Sweaty skin leads to glowing skin. But you know what kind of skin glows for real? Skin that chases a little perspiration with some exfoliation. So give your skin a gentle scrub by either adding a dash to your favorite body wash or facial cleanser. The grainy texture is strong enough to remove dead skin yet gentle enough for daily use.

7. Squeaky Clean Fruit Please

You shop local and that organic apple you nibble on between meals can benefit from some baking soda love too beauties. Baking soda is the food-safe way to clean dirt and residue off of that fresh Fuji you got from the farmer’s market. Just sprinkle a bit on a clean damp sponge, scrub, rinse and munch.

Photo Fitness Fashion Credit: Vimmia Active

Robbie Ann Darby (RAD Experience) is a professional FitGirl, Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer in NYC. Follow her sweaty life on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more fun health and fitness tips!


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I Got Baking Soda! I Got Baking Soda! 7 Ways To Use This Household Staple For Fitness  was originally published on