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Say I love you (if you mean it) with your words and with your body!

It’s one thing to say I love you, those words are important to hear for both involved whether you’re 25 or 85, but showing it comes hard for a lot of us. Playing with your girl’s hair or a firm grasp of the waist line are just a couple of subtle signs for men to use. Ladies have it a little tougher because most men are figures of strength and that little stuff doesn’t really affect us (yeah right we need it too). Grab his butt! Yeah I said it, grab a hand full just for fun, it shows interest and we need that from time to time. Other things for women is play with his hair or head (if he has none), and grabbing him from behind laying your head on his back is a really good showing of emotion. Men are for the most part visual so you can use your imagination to fill in some areas there.