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Be His Friend

  • If you love him, you are likely thinking of a future with him. Some of the best relationships began as friendships, and in the long run, a lasting bond of friendship will withstand the test of time more than a relationship in which sexual attraction exists, but no real friendship. Watch funny movies together, ask him for his advice about your problems, and at the same time, don’t forget to flirt with him to remind him that your interests are more than just platonic.

Show Off Your Personality

  • In other words, don’t be afraid to let him see the real you. When women are in love, it is tempting to feign an interest in everything that the man they love is interested in, and to let their own interests and other friendships become eclipsed by their relationship. Resist these temptations and share your interests with him, while at the same time embracing your common interests and keeping your other friendships strong.

Show Him That You Care

  • Since you already love him, he is undoubtedly very special to you. You can communicate this to him in many different ways. If you are in a relationship, a simple touch, such as holding his hand, touching his shoulder, or giving him a supportive hug can go a long way. Lending a sympathetic ear and offering advice when he is struggling with a problem will also reinforce the feeling in his mind that he is special and important to you.