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Men and women are wired differently.

Ways how men and women are different in conversation:

1. Jumping topics – Women stay focused on one topic, while men jump from topic to topic.

2. Body language – Women face each other while men talk to each other at angles and look in other places in the room and even sometimes at their conversation partner.

3. Problem solving – Women want to establish rapport with the other person, while men want to fix the problem.

4. Apologies – Women apologize more, hoping to create or sustain connections. Men don’t like giving apologies since they view them as a loss of face.

5. Verbal fillers – Women use “mhm,” “uhuh,” and “go on,” as a way of connecting with others, while men are more likely to stay silent.

6. Speaking in front of others – Men want to give their opinion and advice; women don’t want to express themselves so openly in a group since a woman is thinking about what her peers think of her opinion.

7. Negotiation – Women prefer discussion, their goal being consensus, while men favor more direct communication and want speedy results.

8. Surprisingly in the long run men and women talk about the same amount. The differences are in the subject and goals of the discussions. Women talk more to family and close friends, exchanging support and experiences, while men exchange information whether at work or in formal or social situations.

9. Interrupting – Women interrupt to demonstrate concern. Men interrupt to try to control the conversation.