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  1. The Goodbye

    • If the man you’re with happens to linger at the end of the date, staring into your eyes, moving closer and hanging onto every word you say, you can safely assume that he likes you. If his parting words include a suggestion of doing something together in the near future — such as “When will I see you again?” — you can also assume that he likes you.

    Making Contact

    • A sure sign that a man likes you is if he calls or texts you that same evening or the next day after you had your first date. That means he’s thinking about you and he’s interested in at least talking to you again, or he may even go ahead and ask you for a second date at this time. If he wasn’t interested, he would not waste his time calling you.

    He Makes the Most of Opportunities

    • A man is into you after your first date if he calls and asks you to do something like run an errand with him or he asks you to meet him for lunch during the workday.

    • If a man you went out on one date with doesn’t call you within a couple of days of the date, chances are that he’s not interested in you. Yes, you can call him and feel him out, but the only reliable way to tell if he likes you is to wait and see if he calls within a couple of days. If he doesn’t, there could be a good reason like a family emergency or just really busy.