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    • Realize your fault. Whether you overreact, make a dumb comment or retaliate, you probably have some fault in the rift. Even if you’re sure that you aren’t to blame, apologize anyway if the person is important to you. This helps you get to the part where you kiss and make up.

    • Talk with the other person. Before you get into the details, agree to listen to the other person without interrupting. Don’t blame the other person. Instead say things from your perspective such as “I feel…” or “It makes me…” This helps the other person understand why you’re upset and reduces their need to be defensive.

    • Make physical contact with the other person. If you need to make up with a partner, you can give them a sensual kiss, which can lead to something more intimate. For friends, you can kiss on the cheek, give each other a hug or tap each other’s knuckles. If you aren’t ready for physical contact, you aren’t ready to kiss and make up.

    • Celebrate National Kiss and Make Up Day. August 25 is designated as the day to clear up old or new rifts. You can send flowers, a card, an e-mail or an e-card. Express your interest in patching up your relationship. By making the first move, you’re opening the door to rebuilding the relationship. You can also send a bag of Hershey Kisses with a note that says, “Wanna Make Up?”