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    • Locate and cook a recipe with your partner. The point of this exercise is that you will be working together towards a common cause. Making dinner together can become a sexy dance with a gentle touch here, a kiss on the neck, and a  smile throughout.

    • After dinner, use the lotion to give your partner a back rub for “dessert.” Have your partner remove their shirt and lay face down on the bed. Stand above them or sit on their bottom and rub in a liberal amount of lotion for ten to twenty minutes. After their back  massage, tell them to remain still and calm while you rub their feet with lotion for five minutes. Alternate who provides the massage, and who receives. Having good physical contact with your partner is an excellent way to feel close and intimate with them.

    • Watch a different movie together each weekend while snuggled up in bed or on the couch. Select a film that you both can enjoy such as a documentary, a comedy, or an old favorite. Share some popcorn or movie candy as though you have left the house on a date, and spend time being cuddly.

    • After the movie, surprise your partner with something they love. Each person is different so each surprise will be unique. Surprises can be inexpensive or even free, if you use a bit of creativity. Your partner may love a home cooked meal, tickets to a baseball game, or even a room lit with romantic candles. The point of surprising your partner is to let them know that you are thinking about them, about their feelings, and that you want to make your relationship stronger.

    • Ask honest questions while lying in bed each night during the week. Make this into a game rather than a prying chore. Only ask questions that you will also answer, and try to find out new and interesting things about one another. Ask silly questions about where you want to travel or about playful dreams. Bond with the question game each night, and never go to bed without learning something new about your partner.