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Money seems to be the number one thing that causes conflict in a relationship. Especially in today’s economy, money issues can put a strain on a marriage.

You have to sit down and look  at your finances together.

Sometimes it helps to have one person in charge of paying the bills and keeping the checkbook in line. But both parties should review the bills and checkbook occasionally to make sure everything is on track.

Okay, now on to issue number 2. Sex. Usually it is the frequency of sex that couples fight about. The best thing to do here is to negotiate. If the woman is always too tired because she’s busy from the time she gets home from work until she goes to bed, maybe she can negotiate to have the husband take a couple of chores. Not only will she appreciate this, which may make her more amorous, she will not be quite so tired.

Try having a date night once a week, where you can reconnect with one another. This is especially important if you both are working outside the home and you have kids. Life can get in the way of sex, but it’s very important to make sure that this doesn’t happen.

Chores. Ugh, we all hate them, but they have to be done. Household responsibilities should be shared by everyone in the home.

Try writing down all the daily and weekly chores and dividing them up.