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  • There are ways you can regain the trust you once had in an individual or a group of people. Trust is not only an issue on if you are lying, it is also an issue of loyalty. Here are a few tips on regaining trust.

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    Speak to the person or people whom have given you distrust. Ask questions on why and how it came to be. After asking the questions, speak to them about resolving the issue and trying to start again. Put them on a trial basis, letting them know that you want to trust them, but they have to earn it.

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    Set limits:

    If you are in fear of having the same situation occur, set limitations on what you are willing to deal with. If you since that there is an underlying issue with an situation. Do not leave yourself in the situation to fall victim. Remove yourself from the situation

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    Give a benefit of the doubt trial:

    If you feel that there were no real intentions to hurt or harm your feelings, give them a second chance. Most of the time you will find that the situation was a mistake and will not occur again.

    Remember there is no reason for you to subject yourself to emotional turmoil. It will not only scar you, but halt any interaction you may have with other people. Do not let one situation brand the entire population. Not everyone is the same nor do they intend to loose your trust.