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  • If you find yourself constantly daydreaming about him, to the point that it interrupts your work and your social life, you likely are falling head over heels in love.

  • Another sign of falling in love with a man is when you constantly re-read all of his email and text messages to you.

  • Falling in love also can have a physical effect on you. When you see the object of your affection and your heart starts beating just a little faster or even skips a beat, you most likely have fallen really hard for this man. Also look out for the tingling sensation of fluttering butterflies in your stomach.


  • You might consider yourself to be a cool and calm girl, but when you’re in love, you’ll notice that no matter where you go, you kind of have a slightly silly and cheesy grin plastered all over your face. It may get to the point that your friends and co-workers are asking you what is going on. At this point, you truly cannot hide that you are falling in love from anyone.


  • Another indication of true love is a mild case of  jealousy. If your heart feels a little pang at the mere thought of him being interested in or dating somebody else, your feelings are getting pretty serious.