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Tell yourself how special you are. It is easy to think negative thoughts, such as, “I look fat in these clothes,” or “No one likes being around me.” Banish those thoughts, and replace them with positive ones. Try thoughts like, I look  great  today,” or “I deserve to be loved.”

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    Take care of your body. Eat a healthy diet consisting of vegetables, fruit, lean meat and low-fat dairy. Save junk food for an occasional snack. Cut back on drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes, or quit completely if you can. Try to exercise a few times a week.

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    Forget the opinions of others. There will always be people who don’t like what you are doing or who you are. Their opinions really do not matter very much in the long run. If you have a dream or life goal, remind yourself that even if other people disapprove, you think it is worth your time.

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    Forgive the mistakes you have made in the past. Everyone has done something wrong or something they regret. There is nothing we can do in the present to make the past any better. Allow yourself to let go of painful memories and mistakes.

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    Give yourself a treat, such as a bubble bath, a massage or a new CD. Little gifts are your reward just for being yourself. Tell yourself that you deserve something that makes you feel good.