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There are many people who think that relationship is not just about sex. I totally agreed with them. There is more than sex in a relationship, like mutual respect, care, concern, and love etc. But one cannot disagree that with sex, a relationship will be happier.

Sex without feeling and love is just, plain and boring sex. This can be achieved just by going to pubs to look for one-night stands. But when it compares to making love with a person you love dearly, it can be a total different experience altogether.

When a couple who is in love is having sex, there are a lot of different emotions that flow through their minds. With the element of love in sex, both will find that it helps to build a stronger and lasting bond between one another.

There will be cases where one party who wants to have sex, whereas the other party simply refuse to give it. In this kind of scenario, it is extremely important to remember that mutual respect should be present if you truly love the other party.

Forcing him or her to have sex is not going to work. It will only make your relationship worse. To prevent this from happening, what you can do is to be candid about sex in your relationship. Talk openly about it. If he or she is willing to try out, sex will happen.

Having a candid perspective towards sex in a relationship can also help prevent one from having to stay quiet about his or her sexual needs. This will happen when sex is not discussed openly in a relationship, and both of you do not know what are the sexual needs of one another, which may result in one looking for sexual needs elsewhere.