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1. Concentrate on just one or two goals for now, so you can stay focused rather than scatter your energy. You can do it all, but not all at once. When you achieve those goals, you can add new ones. With every achievement, you will increase your confidence, which will lead to more success.

2. Determine your most powerful reason for achieving each goal and get clear on how it will benefit your life. It is helpful to look at your top values and determine how your goal relates to them. When goals are closely tied to our most important values, we don’t need to rely on sheer willpower to achieve them because our inspiration comes from within.

3. Put your goals in writing and place them where you will see them every day, several times a day. Some people put them on their screen saver or desktop while others are content to have them on a sticky note on the bathroom mirror.

4. Take one small action everyday consistently to move in the direction of achieving your goals. Breaking down a big goal into tiny tasks makes it feel less overwhelming and easier to tackle.

5. Recognize set-backs as just that. Ups and downs are a normal part of life. When you feel like you are taking one step forward and two steps back, just ‘dust yourself off and try again’ (as the song says). Beating yourself up is counterproductive (and we probably have enough people in our lives doing that for us anyway). Be kind to yourself; get re-inspired by reviewing the benefits of reaching your goals. Limit set-backs by planning for obstacles. For example, if your goal is to eat healthy, keep some almonds in the car for emergency hunger pangs.

6. Reflect on the positive changes you’ve made so far and celebrate those little successes. For example, think of all the times you took the stairs instead of the elevator or walked away from yet another pair of new shoes you didn’t need or couldn’t afford.

7. The key to commitment is accountability. Find a goal-buddy and support each other or consider hiring a coach. Share your intentions with family and friends. Make this the year you turn your dreams into reality.