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Saving your relationship is one of the top priorities that you should have in your life. In fact it should supersede everything else because your relationship determines your outlook on life, your outlook on yourself and determines the quality of life that you are looking for.

People will be loose with their advice and if you don’t feel comfortable with it then go with your gut feelings. Take a look at the source of the advice and if you see that their relationships are something that you wouldn’t want to be in then why would you take the advice from them?

If you want to learn about relationship advice and take it under wraps then you’ll want to at least read this article and determine whether or not this makes sense to you.

We’ll discuss all the wrong reasons why you should stay in a relationship so that you don’t act in desperation to save it. Avoiding the blame game is another strategy that you should take heed in if you want to save your relationship as well.

You want to give yourself as many chances as you can to save your relationship and just read and learn about some issues that you should be aware of.

Some of the wrong reasons why people stay in relationships are that they make up reasons why they should stay together. That is reasons that your partner will change in time. The ways of old definitely are not good forming habits but you have an optimistic view of the future and your partner will stop the bad habits just because you want them too. Don’t count on it.

Stay together because of desperation is another clause that should be taken out of the strategy book as well. Staying together at any cost can be detrimental to you in the form of psychological and physical abuse. Don’t get in that situation because you’re afraid of what the future may hold without your partner.

Do not go blaming your partner for the woes of the relationship. Do not look any farther than the end of your nose to change. It begins with yourself and if you make a true commitment to change your partner will see it. Having negative comments about each other to drive a point home does just the opposite. Name calling only drives the wedge deeper within yourselves and your self esteem goes down with it.