Men – why do you cheat? When it will cost you your assets, spouse, close contact with your children – and in extreme cases, even your life? This is not a bona fide man-bashing piece, replete with references to stars like Tiger Woods, and tragic athletes like football’s Steve McNair — who was murdered by […]

It’s Prom season. And while you, your daughter, niece or sister is out on the prowl looking for the perfect (last-minute) dress, enjoy these throwback photos of some of our favorite celebs on the most special day of their Senior year. “Gossip Girl” Designer Creates Under-$50 Prom Dress Collection [PHOTOS] 14 Pretty Prom Dresses For […]

The mistresses of Tiger Woods, Reggie Bush, and Sandra Bullock’s ex-husband Jesse James, are getting plastic surgery together in an attempt to be sculpted into the ideal woman. The stars of this year’s biggest sex scandals are set to undergo head-to-toe transformations. “The reason the girls are doing this is because they want a fresh […]

Tiger Woods' divorce from wife Elin Nordegren has cost him! But how much to be exact?

Athletes make millions of dollars playing their respective sports but we all know they make a chunk of  their change schilling products as pitchmen.  With the football season underway and the basketball pre-season already claiming victims we wanted to take a look at some of the craziest commercials they’ve thrown at us arm-chair quarterbacks.

"The tape does not exist," Rodriguez says. "This is definitely a scam and I would advise anyone thinking of buying it to not send in your money."

Devon has more info that she just cant wait to tell...but do you really believe this one?

After months of remaining silent, Elin Nordegren's team contacted PEOPLE magazine for a one-time interview so the now ex-wife of troubled golfer Tiger Woods could finally tell her side of the story.

Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren are now divorced.

After weeks of rumors and scouring the streets for a cast, VH1 has announced the lineup for the fourth installment of Celebrity Rehab.

Athletes are good at a lot of things. Running, jumping, swimming, dribbling, passing, dunking… but the one area where they don’t particularly excel? Staying out of trouble.


WOW!!!!! Talk about a BIG DIVORCE SETTLEMET. <!--more-->