An estimated 50 women have accused Cosby of sexual assault. Some of his longtime fans and supporters, however, have never bought into the allegations.


"They want us all to have an asterisk by our name," Griffin said in a video interview with hip-hop website VladTV. “Nobody leaves this business clean."

Camille Cosby may not have been the alleged rapist in this case, but she deserves to be cross-examined after being complicit in other women's pain and sexual trauma by remaining silent and supportive of her husband.


A day after Bill Cosby was arrested on charges of aggravated indecent assault, the 78-year-old broke his silence, tweeting a message of thanks to his 4.1 million Twitter followers.

An arrest warrant has been issued for Bill Cosby on charges of drugging and sexually assaulting former Temple employee Andrea Constand in 2004.

Just hours after Steve Harvey screwed up at the Miss Universe pageant, then screwed up the apology, another gem has fallen into Twitter’s lap. Huffington Post decided to host a live discussion for R. Kelly to talk about his new album, The Buffet, and his controversial career. Since his alleged sex tape, lawsuits, and the Village Voice’s expose regarding Kelly’s […]

Seven women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault have issued a subpoena for his wife Camille Cosby to be deposed next month.

Bill Cosby is taking seven of his accusers to court for defamation.

Daniel Holtzclaw's rape victims showed us how powerful we can be when we decide not to suffer in silence. They deserve to be celebrated for that.

His pleas to support R&B music are warranted, yes, but given Kelly's past and what that means for Black women, isn't it about time we stop separating the music from the man?

Daniel Holtzclaw was found guilty on 18 of 36 charges, which ranged from rape, sexual battery and other charges.

The video was uploaded to the popular college-used app, Yeti. Videos and photos, uploaded to the community app anonymously, is a place where students can share events and information on campus.