Officer Kenneth Boss will be promoted to sergeant 16 years after being acquitted of second degree murder for fatally shooting Amadou Diallo

Rev. Al Sharpton talks to the Tom Joyner Morning Show about his thoughts on the last GOP debate of the year. “Aside from the theatrics of…

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the importance of Affirmative Action in light of the student that claims she didn’t receive admission into the University of…

Protesters say the firing of Garry McCarthy does not go far enough to address corruption in the city.

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the firing of Gary McCarthy, the Chicago Police Department superintendent, in light of the shooting death of Laquan McDonald. “McCarthy…

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about what’s next in the case of Laquan McDonald, the teen who was killed by a Chicago Police Department officer 16…

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the moral compass of the 31 Governors who have decided not to take in refugees in the wake of the…

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the allegations  against presidential candidate Ben Carson and explains the importance of him staying focused during his race. “I think…

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about President Obama’s criminal justice reforms efforts in the midst of his stance on “ban the box”, a bill that wouldn’t allow…

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about Donald Trump’s standing ahead of the third GOP debate and reminds us not to get caught up in reality show…

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the delay of Vice Presdient’s Biden announcement into the 2016 presidential race. “It’s attractive to many people. At worst it…

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the lack of discussion about voting rights and police reform at the Democratic debate. “There was no discusssion of voting rights and…