
A prosecutor said Tuesday that no charges would be filed against an off-duty White St. Louis police officer who shot and killed VonDerrit Myers, 18,…


The Obama administration announced plans on Monday to restrict police use of military gear in an effort to ease tensions between officers in some communities…

Here are all the top news headlines every smart black chick would want on her radar today. Your welcome.

Just a day after his lawyer announced he would sue the City of Ferguson, Mo. and former police officer Darren Wilson, Dorian Johnson, a key…

Dorian Johnson, a friend of Michael Brown Jr.’s who was also with him the day he was fatally shot by a Ferguson, Mo. police officer,…


How much unrest will our country experience before we substantively address the injustices acutely impacting Black people? For months, across the nation, tens of thousands…

While thousands took to the streets all over the country to demonstrate after Freddie Gray‘s death, protests also continued in Ferguson, Missouri after two separate shootings…

Three people were injured in two separate shootings in Ferguson this week during community marches for Freddie Gray. The shootings occurred late Tuesday evening as a group of…

President Barack Obama has shared his thoughts on the riots that have erupted in Baltimore following the tragic death of Freddie Gray. During a press…

The family of a Ferguson, Mo. teenager who was killed by a White cop in the summer of 2014 plans to announce a civil rights…

A woman’s First Amendment rights may have been violated last week when a U.S. Marshal allegedly destroyed her recording device while she was filming an arrest, the Huffington Post…


Mike Brown tree dedicated yesterday, decimated today — Mo Costello (@mocostello60) April 20, 2015 A tree that was dedicated to the memory of Ferguson…