The streets are watching, and now they can upload everything they see to an online database thanks to three teens. With the recent deaths of…


In the wake of the Michael Brown, Eric Garner, John Crawford, Ezell Ford murders by police officers, let’s not forget about the Black women who have lost…


Images from Ferguson have reached around the world and there has been a tremendous intentional response to the unrest in Ferguson. Roland Martin and the…

Life coach, author and TV host Iyanla Vanzant is headed to Ferguson to talk with the community on the affects of the Michael Brown shooting and bring about peace and healing. The Ferguson “Fix My Life” special air date will be announced next week. Season three of “Fix My Life” premieres Saturday, September 6th at […]


Contention is growing in racially charged Ferguson, Missouri between police and citizens. This, despite the presence of the Missouri National Guard and the White House…

08/20/14 – Sybil Wilkes discusses the morning’s news and headlines including, the funeral scheduled for Michael Brown, the American Journalist who was beheaded and the…

In a televised segment about the ongoing protests in Ferguson, Miss., over the brutal execution of 18-year-old teen Michael Brown, CNN’s international anchor, Rosemary Church…


St. Louis police officer Darren Wilson is being confused with the officer that fatally shot Michael Brown on August 9th. Both officers share the same…

Thirteen organizations — which include the ACLU, NAACP, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, National Action Network, and Rainbow Push Coalition — sent…

While I can appreciate Missouri’s Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder (R) (pictured) not agreeing with Ferguson Mayor James Knowles’ foolish claims that “there is not a racial…

Things are going to bad to worse. Two police officer shot and killed a 23-year-old African-American suspect Tuesday afternoon. Authorities were called to a convenient store after an altercation. It was reported that the suspect was acting erratic and out of it as he walked back and forth up and down the street. The office […]


Podcast: Download According to law enforcement officials in Ferguson, Mo., there is a small group of individuals that are turing peaceful protests into violent confrontations…