Tom: You are here this morning to talk about medical bills and credit – but all bills impact your credit, doesn’t them? Mellody:  Of course…

04/14/14 – Mellody Hobson shares us with her advice for college graduates and being unapologetically black. Be sure to also check out her excerpt in Own…


In today’s “Money Mondays” segment, Mellody Hobson discusses IPOs. This morning we are talking initial public offerings? We are, Tom! We have seen an incredible…


In today’s “Money Mondays” segment, Mellody Hobson discusses loyalty programs. Today on Money Monday we are talking about loyalty programs.  We are! Last week, Delta…


In today’s “Money Mondays” segment, Mellody Hobson discusses the renting versus purchasing a home. You are here this morning to help our listeners think about…

Billionaire couple Mellody Hobson and George Lucas recently gave a very generous donation to the private University of Chicago Laboratory Schools. According to sources, the…


In today’s “Money Mondays” segment, Mellody Hobson discusses minimum wage. What  would a hike in minimum wage mean? Well, as you may know, there is…


In today’s “Money Mondays” segment, Mellody Hobson discusses the link between fitness and money. You are here this morning to talk to our listeners about…


In today’s “Money Mondays” segment, Mellody Hobson discusses balancing love and finances.  In the spirit of Valentine’s Day this Friday, I am here to talk…


In today’s “Money Mondays” segment, Mellody Hobson tells listeners how to ask for what they’re worth. We all know that the recession hit Americans, and…


In today’s “Money Mondays” segment, Mellody Hobson talks about a very important topic: preparing kids to be financially responsible adults. This week, I came across…


Happy New Year to you! As we kick off 2014, I want to start by looking back at last year. That’s the best way to…