Paula Deen may still be recovering from last year’s leaked deposition that revealed her use of the N-word and affinity for slave-themed weddings, but that…


George Takei, the Japanese-American actor best known for his role as Hikaru Sulu on Star Trek, has apologized for referring to Supreme Court Justice Clarence…

We may be praising Indian-American actress Mindy Kaling for breaking barriers as a woman of color in Hollywood, but it’s her older and estranged brother’s…


After being hospitalized last week to receive treatment for diabetes, Mumia Abu-Jamal has returned to prison. The 60-year-old, who was convicted of killing a cop…

Yesterday on Instagram, 17-year-old fashion bomb Kylie Jenner posted two pictures from a recent photo shoot that gained her accusations of promoting or using “blackface.”…


A white mayoral candidate in Oklahoma who performed in drag and blackface as a character named “Pollyester Kotton” is now apologizing for what he categorized…

Harlem princess Azealia Banks got caught in another web of social media bickering as she’s now been accused of doing Whiteface. The incriminating photo was seen…


A Michigan teacher was was suspended after conducting a lesson on blackface. Dr. Jelani Cobb and Dr. Amy Yeboh joined Roland Martin on “NewsOne Now”…


For iPhone; Ever heard of Connor Smallnut? If you haven’t, get ready. Connor Smallnut is Nick Cannon- Nick Cannon dressed in white face, a plaid…

I recently reported on Nick Cannon donning Whiteface to get us to pay attention to his new album, “White People Party Music.” That article was…


This year’s National Fundamentalist Conference, held at Clay Mills Road Baptist, in Kentucky has stirred up some controversy. When the conference decided to do a…


In the year 2014, it takes a special kind of stupid to not know that blackface is offensive, but one Kentucky pastor is claiming just…