About The Loverman Show

Be more secure in yourself. Jealousy most of the time leads to insecurity in yourself. Look, if this person is dating you, then they obviously like you. No one dates someone just for the heck of it. If you can develop more confidence in yourself, than you can help overcome the feeling of jealousy. Being […]

1 First: Realize It’s Easy To Get Married But It’s Hard Work Staying Married That can be said about any relationship. If you can realize that, you’ve already won half the battle. It’s easy to make a friend but it’s hard work keeping that friend. 2 Second: Be Positive When we say that marriage takes […]

In every relationship, communication is crucial. No relationship is exempt, not even a marriage. Talk to the other about yourself. Volunteer information about your day and about how you feel. It is not a good idea to keep the other guessing about your emotions, thoughts, and motives. Everyone has insecurities, and these are fueled by […]

1 Define your relationship and be clear about your intentions. How you act in the early stages of a relationship will certainly be different than your actions a year or two later. Although your feelings may change, misleading someone in the early stages of a relationship is an immature way to start out. 2 Make […]

Don’t: Be both a tease and a sure thing We’ve all been told numerous times that men love a good challenge. There are moments when he doesn’t feel he is being challenged, he will let go of someone he is interested in. As such, you should always keep him interested by being playful. Note: be […]

Commitment It’s important to realize that your commitment doesn’t stop with saying “I do” at the altar. You and your partner have made a vow, “until death do you part.” But what does that really mean? Well, that is going to vary from couple to couple. If you didn’t discuss this before your wedding, there’s […]

Forget to Compliment – When you are trying to win the girl you let her know everything you like about her. You compliment cooking, the way she dresses, etc. Just because you have been in the relationship for a while doesn’t mean this can stop. Women like to know when you are happy with her […]

He spends too much money on football tickets, even though he knows it drives her crazy. She continues to leave every light on in the house, day after day, even though he asks her to turn them off. Many couples find themselves arguing about everything, big and small, over and over again. These aren’t deal […]

    First thing’s first: Without honesty, there’s no trust. These are two very important ingredients. Always keep things clean, ladies and gentlemen, no matter what it takes.     To expand on honesty a bit more, say what you have to say, whether it’s hurtful or not. For example, if you need to break […]

One of the most frequent questions I get is from one of the members of a couple who writes in asking about how to revive that couple’s love life. This is a question that pops up often enough and creates enough distress in relationships that it must be properly addressed. I will tackle specifics about […]

Are you tired of loneliness? Do you miss being with someone who shared a meaningful relationship with you? Would you like to know how to get your groove back in the dating game? It’s going to take a little work to beat loneliness, but it’s always possible — and fun — to meet new men. […]

Given that we are all individuals with our own thoughts and ideas about the world and the universe, it should come as no surprise to learn that what makes a good relationship means different things to different people. What everyone is certain about is that having a good relationship makes life worth living, they influence […]