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Newsone is happy to welcome popular Black cartoonist Lance Scurvin to our team.

Here is a short bio on Lance:

Lance “Scurv” Scurvin is an illustrator/writer/speaker/activist, who, through his provocative cartoons & expressions, prides himself on tackling the tough issues of the present day head on that others are deathly afraid to touch.

His politically incorrect & gritty urban flavored style of visuals pulls no punches with an explosive & brutal honesty that has swiftly made him an underground Internet favorite, earning him the title of “America’s Most Outspoken Artist.”

Although his work often forces one to face the many awkward aspects of class, sexism and race relations, he is equally interested in boldly championing the cause of those who feel they have no choice but to endure and accept the many grave injustices in our society.

Click on link to see his other cartoon illustrations

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