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Have a positive outlook.

Involvement in a romantic relationship is not a sign of success. It is also not a requirement for being a complete person. You don’t need a boyfriend or girlfriend to be happy, and you certainly don’t want just ANYONE. Realize this, and you are halfway there.

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    Keep busy.

    Being single is often equated to being lonely. Such is not the case. Hang out with your friends, join a local club, or start spending time at the gym. You’ll soon find your schedule so full that you don’t have time for being lonely.

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    Treasure your friendships.

    Just because you aren’t dating someone doesn’t mean that you have to keep them at an arm’s length. Spend quality time with your friends and let them know how much they mean to you. This doesn’t mean you have to get all emotional on them; just try not to take them for granted.

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    Spoil yourself.

    Part of being single means not having to pamper anyone, right? Wrong! Pamper yourself. Instead of that weekly date, get a weekly pedicure or save up for tickets to a concert. Take a hot bath, go for a walk, or stay up all night watching Star Trek if you want to. You’re single – you can do whatever you want!

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    Flirt if you want to.

    Who says you just have to sit there waiting for someone to sweep you off your feet? Flirting can be fun. When the other person flirts back, it can be quite the ego boost. Why not let other people realize how attractive, interesting, and desirable you are? If they’re the right person, then maybe it’s time to get involved. If not, you can still have a great time.