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Step 1

Set the rules. You can’t be shy about expressing your wants, desires, and concerns. How often will you all talk on the phone? Who will come to visit and when? Will you two only be seeing each other in the romantic sense? You don’t have to be a dictator and set everything in stone, but having these things out in the open will avoid the guessing games.

  • Step 2

    Have confidence, and grab a filter. It is likely that your friends, family, and acquaintances will not understand your desire to stay committed to this relationship. You have to have confidence in your decisions, and be able to filter the practical advice from the biased advice.

  • Step 3

    Get a life. You’ll need to have a life outside of your relationship. You cannot sit around pinning away for your love all day. Get some hobbies, visit with your friends, focus on school and/or work so that when you do talk with your love you will actually have something to say.

  • Step 4

    Get creative. Even though you aren’t face to face with your significant other you can still have fun with them. Send them handwritten letters. Take photos and make mini scrapbooks and collages so they can see what a day in your life is like. Have video chats via Skype. Make a “date night” with them and plan on having a meal “together” via phone or video chat. Then you all can watch the same movie “together” and maybe even fall asleep.

  • Step 5

    Have an exit strategy. Sooner or later it will be time to end the long distance relationship. Eventually you will have to start planning for that. Who is going to move and when? Or, if it is just not working, don’t be afraid to end it.