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While the Burkini debate is still happening in France, the Indian government is tackling women and their clothing in an equally, possibly more disturbing manner. Mahesh Sharma, India’s minister for tourism and culture, created a travel list of cultural do’s and don’t’s as part of the welcome kit provided to tourists upon arrival at the airport.

Sounds great, right?

It is until you get to the don’t section.

Sharma spoke to the media in Agra, home of the Taj Mahal, and further explained the list, “(The list) has instructions like if they are in small cities, they should not roam around alone at night or wear skirts.”

The politician quickly clarified he was not telling women what to wear, but rather suggesting that when they go out at night, especially while visiting places of religious importance, to be cognizant and careful.

Sharma told CNN, “I am no one to advise anyone on what clothes they should wear.”

This becomes part of a larger debate based on all of the women’s rights issues occurring in India, with the country being depicted as a place not safe for women, both domestic or tourists, because of their repeated incidents of harassment, rape, and assault. Aljazeera claims more than 34,000 rape cases were reported in India in 2015.

We here at HelloBeautiful hope Sharma is also creating a list of ways to prevent rape and assault from happening in his country versus placing the responsibility on women and the clothes they choose to wear.

SOURCE: Aljazeera | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty


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Heading To India? The Minister Of Tourism Advises Women Not To Wear Skirts  was originally published on