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Congratulations parents!

You are the mom or dad of a high school senior. This season is filled with worries, joys, sadness and concerns.

Set these two  rules and senior year should be easier

1.Discuss social behavior.

Many teens are desensitized when it comes to sharing information online. And even when they don’t share, there are plenty of friends and foes with cell phone cameras ready to document bad behavior. Admissions professionals have been known to uncover unflattering Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram trails. If there’s one slot left and two equally talented students vying for the position, it’s a good bet that the one without the “Girls or Boys Gone Wild” photo shoot will get the acceptance letter.

2.Never focus on one school.

There are plenty of great colleges and universities. Focusing on one school as the best place can be a recipe for disaster when it comes to self-esteem and disappointment. Encourage your teen to consider more than one school and identify the positive qualities of all schools in the application portfolio.

Read: Eczema And Your Child

2 Rules Parents Of High School Seniors Should Focus On  was originally published on