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Let me explain. It’s a new day. Globalization, a recovering economy, and the Internet have changed the face and the value on traditional education. You were taught to get a ‘good’ education so you can have success. But a good education doesn’t get you success like it used to 50 years ago, even 10 years ago. The traditional education model for success taught you to develop your skills, get experience, and promote your strengths.

Except everyone is doing that. Doesn’t everyone’s emails, commercials, elevator pitches, and videos sound the same to you? It’s because they, we all, have been doing our business in an old paradigm of selling, positioning, and marketing our skills, talents, and services.

Here is a RADICAL thought—one that can change your life, eradicate the competition, and take your business to levels you may never have dreamed of. What if you stopped trying to build your business based on your skills and started to elevate you business by leveraging your worth in the market place?

Think about it. If you are anything like me, you went to school to get your credentials to be credible. When I was 12 years old, my mother took a pair of scissors and cut all my hair off. I decided I was stupid because I didn’t move. Get this: ONLY a stupid person would go get 4 degrees—including a 2nd Masters degree and a Ph.D. from Stanford University. Why? To prove she is not stupid or to cover up she is—for herself. So education, training, and credentials have been positioned as the credibility one would need to be successful.

Credibility is directly connected to self-worth. Most successful sisters don’t believe they are worthy, so we amass LOTS of credibility—education, money, social proof, the right home, neighborhood, car, 2.5 kids—so we feel like we have the right to speak, to sell, to present, to teach. And we hide. We hide in plain sight behind our credentials, our titles, or our affiliates. We haven’t made the transition from proving we are worthy to building true holographic wealth.

A good education can be bad for business in that the behaviors we  once used to survive and get by are still the ones running our business. Our inability to fail keeps us playing small. And we have used education as a way to gain credibility to prove our worthiness instead of healing our hearts so we can leverage our worth in the marketplace.  I propose that we purpose-driven, high-achieving sisters who want so badly to do well with our lives, stop trying to position our skills, talents, gifts, experience, pedigrees, affiliates, in the marketplace and start to elevate our worth.

It is a radical notion to come from the perspective that you have something completely distinct and precious to offer the world. Yet there are millions of people praying for what only YOU can bring, and they are willing to pay top dollar for it through you. As far as I am concerned, you are sitting on a gold mine. I call this worth you naturally bring to life (which you would never pay YOU for) your Million Dollar Moneymaker/Game-Changing Genius. And it is not your talents, gifts, skills, experience, work ethic—none of those things. All of those aspects of you will serve your Million Dollar Moneymaker, but they are not it. Your Million Dollar Moneymaker/Game-Changing Genius is located in “your mess.” It was forged in life’s fire when life broke your heart.

I will be addressing this idea about education, self-worth and success more in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned.

Let me know your thoughts. Post you musings.

With all the love my heart can hold…

Dr. Venus


About the Author

Dr. Venus Opal Reese is a staggeringly effective Business Mentor for black women, who’s in the business of teaching purpose-driven, high achieving sisters (who’ve walked through life’s fire) how to create, grow, or leverage a 6 or 7-figure business that is rooted in their worth. Because she too has walked through life’s fire—and turned it into a proven business model that generates millions for my clients—she knows what it takes to produce unprecedented results. Visit today for your free training and more information.

The Big Lie: Education=Financial Success  was originally published on

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