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  • Power and weakness. Moses has failed in his attempt to do God’s work through human power and violence. Instead, in the wilderness, he is confronted with his weakness. In his encounter with God at the burning bush, he learns that it will be despite him that God will display his divine power. The Kingdom of God goes forward, not through the use of worldly power, but by utter reliance on the power of God. His strength is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9, Deuteronomy 7:6-8).
  • The fire of God. Fire represents God’s presence throughout the Scriptures. It is an image of terrifying holiness, absolute purity and fierce judgment. Fire is also appropriate because on the one hand it is terrifying and dangerous and yet on the other hand it is beautiful and attractive. The glory and holiness of God is exactly like that. Terror and beauty. Danger and comfort. To lose either side of this tension is to lose the essence of God’s holiness.
  • Burning yet not consumed. How do we approach a God who is an all-consuming fire and yet is the very love that the human heart needs? For Christians, the answer is that Jesus took on our flesh and walked into the fire of God’s holiness and wrath on the cross. He was consumed by the judgment of God so that we might come freely to the Fire of God and not be consumed ourselves. We approach the throne of grace not by our own merits or faithfulness, but by his blood.

The History Channel The Bible- WEEK 1: In The Beginning/ Exodus [Viewers Guide]  was originally published on

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