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    • Be honest with your man and don’t beat around the bush. Avoid trying to protect his feelings by telling small lies. Tell him If you see something concerning about his actions otherwise he will not realize it. Reveal your feelings and let him know how his actions upset you. Remember, being forthright shows that you want to build a successful relationship with him.

    • Make the effort to communicate with him more often. This is an important step to build a successful relationship. Be realistic; don’t expect him to share his feelings by asking him direct questions such as “How are you feeling?” Use a different method, asking him to tell you the events that happened in his day. Keep asking questions that relate to his day such as “What did your boss say?” or “How is your friend doing?” This will help him open up and talk more.

    • Work on building your man’s trust for you. Be yourself and share your desires with him. Introduce him to your friends and family. Call him and tell him that you miss him when you are on a girls’ night out. Share the events that take place in your day with him. Keep your promises and make plans you both will enjoy. This enables him to trust and rely on you in the long run.

    • Know and respect what your man likes to do. Get involved in the things he loves. If he follows a certain sport, ask him questions such as “How is your team doing?” or “What time is your game on?” Make his favorite snack and watch the game with him. Learn more about what he does for a living. Congratulate him on his successes and support him through his failures. This shows how much you care about his success.